Saturday, December 13, 2014

Frances Glessner Lee Documentary FIlm Update

Film editing can be a slow process, but it's even slower if you don't do it! That's why I'm so grateful that I have a producing partner - we keep each other on track. It's hard to imagine producing a documentary film on one's own. For more updates on our progress, go here.

The film is coming together beautifully. More beautifully than I ever imagined. I feel lucky to be working on such a great project about such an incredible phenomenon like The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death and the incorporable Frances Glessner Lee.

Meanwhile, if you need a Frances Glessner Lee fix - we have a special DVD offer. We usually don't do this kind of thing but it's the holidays and we would love for our films to get into the hands of people who don't normally buy DVDs. (And everyone knows the best part about owning a DVD are the DVD extras! In fact, we ran out of room on our Of Dolls & Murder DVD because it's full up with extras! Including some whip smart interviews with John Waters! )

Yours for only $10! But it ends forever on Dec 31st.